Lukomir Tour


Lukomir Tour

This is the highest point above sea level at which the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina live! As one of the rare bosnian villages that is preserved in its original state, Lukomir is at 1,500m above sea level. The village was declared as a cultural landscape and a national monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Isolated from civilization in raw nature, Lukomir is a rather unique space. The stone houses (covered by roof shingles made out of cherry tree), fresh air, the smell of nature, domestic cuisine, quality dairy products, organic food, excellent hospitality.

Perhaps you have heard of the redroot pigweed plant (Amaranthus Retroflexus) ? – A holy plant of the Inca! They used the plant to preserve their beauty and health. You can find the plant growing in Lukomir too! Try some of the extraordinary meals made out of the food that is grown around Lukomir!

Legend says that in Lukomir people came from the area of Dubrovnik, running away as Bogomils in front of Christianity. This is confirmed by a necropolis of tombstones from the 14th and 15th century. According to some legends when they arrived at the place of today’s Lukomir and saw a plateau that is not visible from any side, surrounded by canyons, the people said ‘this is our harbor of peace’. A literal translation: “Luka” – harbor, and “mira” – peace, and becouse of that this village is called Lukomir.

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